The ruling class, including Boomers don’t know right from wrong
I don’t know if people in power know the difference between right and wrong or their definition of wrong is not right. Example, multi-millionaire, secure food, secure housing Nancy Pelosi would means test for cash assistance and that she would charge money for covid treatment.
Or the other case they know right and wrong and have sold out their values or are psychopaths who don’t are cruel by indifference.
My belief is that they think they are not doing anything wrong. The US even before Trump, was cutting food stamps to 100ks+ of people, putting people in cages, dropping death on other countries, stealing their resources, setting up dictatorships, etc. But he didn’t change that. They are still doing it now.
It’s not just me who thinks this:
It’s not only US, it’s UK and other imperialistic, “democratic” countries. Countries like China and USSR had a different core belief. They believe they are in it together. One for all and all for one. The western capitalist nations have neoliberalism, or it’s everyone for themselves.
The difference in concepts is austerity vs solidarity. Socialism for the rich & rugged individualism for the poor. The ruling classes & privileged have a belief system that excludes & withholds from less privileged unless they qualify.
See Kristy Esposito in #BetterCallSaul

It seems the boomers in general are ok with theft, ok with lying, ok with racism, ok selling out, ok with corruption, ok with homelessness & poverty, & their response when confronted is to gaslight. Prove me wrong. Their values are messed up. “Being kind is socialism!” What the f is wrong with you?
You might be saying, “Maybe it is what’s the point?”
I’m saying this because they are in power now & they are messing up the world bc of their f’d up value system.
Example, there was only one candidate with a different value system that nearly the entire country supported him (or his value system as exit polls show) and nearly the entire establishment turned on him.
Boomers are neoliberals.
Nearly every elected politician is a neoliberal. The vote for the stimulus bill was 96–0 that gave $4,000,000,000 to corporations and $1200 one time means tested advance.
There was no bailout for people only a loan. No rent cancellation, no M4A, no compassion, no empathy.
What is neooliberalism?
States are in a bidding war with FEMA to give states masks & testing kits during a pandemic!?! WTF?
That’s what I mean they don’t know right & wrong or don’t care (same destructive effect on everyone else).
Other nations like Canada are paying people $2000 a mo, have medicare for all, have free meals, free testing. This is what a for profit economy does to people.
So tell them they are fucked up.
Tell boomers, neoliberals, GOP, conservatives they are fucked up.
They aren’t kind, they’re cruel. Tell them to step down and go to therapy or talk to their kids on why they are fucked up. Or talk to any one living on the street or in poverty. They’ll educate them.
And it’s not just neoliberalism. It’s all of the selfish, self-serving, disgusting, GOP talking points they actually believe as they call suffering people liars.
Is this harsh? Is 20+ years of gaslighting from boomers that made friends, family & strangers poor homeless harsh?
Is this harsh? They call suffering people liars. They are allowing the destruction of the Earth.
If you are a boomer and this post doesn’t bother you then it doesn’t apply. Please talk to others about this. Ask people if they are death capitalists.
What are death capitalists?
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