When people talk about income for food and shelter they point to jobs as the answer but an increasing number of people are realizing a job doesn’t support what humans need for daily living and survival.

How is the job market inadequate, insecure and exclusive?
- The job market is skill set dependent. If you don’t have the skills it needs it excludes you.
You can retrain but that takes 2–4 years. Student loans don’t cover the cost of it, any field you go into is not guaranteed when you graduate and the success rate of retraining is 0–13%. The job market excludes those people with the skills it doesn’t need. - The job market is experience dependent. If you don’t have the experience it will exclude you. Many jobs require 2 to 4 years of experience. Those graduating from college are excluded or work in unpaid internships.
- The job market is temperamental. It doesn’t have a job when you need it, it has a job when it needs it.
- The market is indifferent to human needs. It doesn’t care if you have food or don’t. It is indifferent. It is a mind without a heart. To make a profit it will redirect water from a river upstream destroying a community downstream. It will pour toxic waste into a river. It will pollute the air. It is a profit maximizer.
- The job market is saturated. With a globalism billions of people have entered the job market working for fractions of the normal pay rate. How can you compete with someone working for 25 cents an hour in another country?
- The job market is vulnerable. Jobs are susceptible to being automated and outsourced. How can you compete with a robot or software that does the same task you perform non-stop at a fraction of the cost?
- The job market costs money to enter. To get to a place of work you need transportation. If a bus is available then you need daily fare and 3x as much time. If not then you need a vehicle, insurance, gas, oil and yearly maintenance. You also need work attire and laundry for that work attire.
The Job Market excludes people based on skillset, time frame, location, availability, and alternative workforce (already filled by a robot, human, or offshore worker).
The Job Market is presented as a solution and the failure to procure a job is seen as a fault of the job seeker when in reality it’s an exclusive, cruelly indifferently system that’s unable to provide the resources and stability a good society and it’s citizens need.
For example, manufacturers have sent a locals job overseas and then blame the unemployed worker for not having a job.
Manufacturers have automated work and then an unemployed worker is blamed for not having a job.
Manufacturers pay paltry, poverty wages and then the worker is blamed for the poverty he is in.
Humans are time-sensitive beings who need food and shelter every day to survive. To function they need homeostasis (food, shelter, sleep, storage). This is a biological need and is a prerequisite to work of any kind.
Humans need a reliable, consistent income source for food and shelter or they die or risk death. Without it people cannot work or function. The Job Market does not provide that and it should not be relied upon to provide that. It is exclusionary.
The job market is an inadequate source of income for survival and is incompatible with human needs.