poverty is a problem created by mankind not nature. poverty doesn’t exist in nature. scarcity exists.
when the europeans settled in the americas there was no poverty or homelessness.
as the first cities grew, like new york, the streets became filled trash and sewage. it was piled high and filled with rats and bugs.
the city had to make a conscience decision to address and fix the problem. the solution was to create sewers and sanitation department with trash collectors. it had to be done.
the same is true of poverty and homelessness. the cities have to make a conscience decision to address and fix it. this requires looking at the foundation of the social model to see where it occurs.
like buildings that crumble when there is an earthquake, engineers had to make a conscience decision to address and fix in the structure of the building and in it’s blueprints provide a solution and they did. now we have buildings that resist and withstand earthquakes. and it doesn’t take much to change when building a new building!
what i’ve discovered is that the causes of poverty were discovered by henry george and hellen keller.
even though she was blind deaf and dumb hellen keller figured out the cause of poverty.
the solution is this:
- ban rent
- make a conscience decision to solve poverty
- everyone reads the works of henry george and karl widerquist. they understand and have solved poverty
- make land common. everyone gets a fair share of the earth who we are all offsprings
poverty is the biggest pain in society and it’s solvable.
if you want to understand the problems read everything by Guy Standing, Karl Widerquist, Henry George, Thomas Paine, Jeffery Epstein (not the bad one- he’s on Youtube), James Dore, etc.
Poverty is not unsolvable. It’s merely not understood and is irresponsible and disobedient to the desire of nature that few possess what nature meant for all.