“Are you ready?”
“I don’t know. Can you go over it again?”
“The main points:
- You have a right to exist.
- You have to eat to continue to exist.
If you are born you have a right to be there. You have dignity by birth. You can gain more respect et al as you go on. You always have existence dignity. You were qualified.”
“What does eating mean again?”
“It is the fuel to exist. There is fuel all over.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
“Some claim it and block access to it. They then only share it if you do what they say. It’s coercion. the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.”
“I still don’t understand”
“There’s enough fuel for everyone but some take more than their fair share.
In the big picture you have as much right to fuel as anyone else. If someone gets between you and fuel that decreases your life.
Anyone who does that is stealing and killing you. Blockers of food and fuel and means to create it are killing you. Everything else can be gained but getting between you and fuel.”
“What’s the name of this place again?”
“Planet Quasar”