I notice at one place I stayed there was ants coming into the kitchen. One person said, “We will get an exterminator.”
But as the ant was running around it reminded me of me. The ant is not there to bother you, they are there to look for food. From the ants perspective I have billions of tons of food. So when they are starving because humans decided to come down from out of the trees and build houses it’s not their fault. They are just looking for food. So instead of trying to exterminate them for their survival instincts that god or evolution gave them, I decided to try something. I don’t like them or dislike them. But I see they have a need and it costs me nothing to help. So I put small scraps of food in the areas where I want them to go and clean the areas where I don’t want them to go. I can’t talk to them but if I could I’d say, “I understand that you are looking for food. I have a lot do food compared to you. I can share it with you. But I want you to stay off the kitchen counters. In exchange I’ll put some food in other areas that you can gather. Sorry that we humans destroyed your natural habitats where you’d normally gather food. I know you’re an ant and not a human so I’m not going to anthropomorphisize you but maybe you’ll understand this arrangement and we can live without anxiety of the other.”
I’ve found over and over again, as I’ve traveled that the land that is left alone, undisturbed by humans, usually with farm animals on it, has a peaceful tranquility that is unlike land humans live in. There no lawn mowers that cut the grass and destroy insect homes monthly.
That morning I went to visit a friend at a coffee shop in the city and I noticed a smell. I looked off the sidewalk and the sewer had backed up.
To my horror at the same time a bird flew down and started bathing and drinking from it. This bird used to have crystal clear rivers and lakes and streams to bath and get water and gather food. Humans paved over their habitat and replaced it with nothing.