It’s said a large number of people live in a bubble. A world of their making.
What does that mean?
They are living life without knowing what is going on outside of their personal life of friends and family and location.
How did this destroy the Earth?
To roughly quote Neil deGrasse Tyson,
”People say why do we need a space program? We have problems here on Earth that need attention. That’s true but that’s short sighted. If the dinosaurs had a space program they might have been able to prevent their own destruction.”
The dinosaurs lived for millions of years. But they were not aware of life outside of their own little spot in space. They didn’t see a meteor coming. When it hit the Yucatan peninsula it was over. Millions of tons of debris lifted into the atmosphere. A new ice age froze the Earth for millions of years.
You can’t win it when you are in it
Sometimes looking inward you find the answer. But other times you have to get outside of it to see it. You have to get out of the woods to see the woods.
Get out of your bubble:
- Go to new places locally
- Talk to people you normally wouldn’t talk to
- If you are rich talk to the poor
- If you are poor talk to the rich
- Go to other countries see what it’s like for yourself
- Go to the neighborhoods you were told not to and talk (use common sense)
If you want to take it further write it out. Define it.
Get a piece of paper, draw a circle. Inside write what you do, where you go and who you talk to. That’s your bubble.
Getting outside of your bubble means doing something or talking to someone that is not inside of your bubble.
When you encounter someone, pull out your paper with your bubble on it.
Ask yourself, “Is this person, place or thing (PPT) listed or mentioned inside of my bubble?”
If yes then you are still inside of your bubble. If that PPT is not listed in your bubble then you are out of your bubble.
Again, why get out of your bubble?
Because not knowing what is going on outside of you could cause you to be blindsided. There could be a fire outside of your home approaching you but if you never look outside you won’t know until your house is in flames.
Getting outside of your bubble allows you to verify the information you are receiving.
If you are inside and you are watching the news and they say everything is fine where you live but then you look outside and it’s desolation everywhere then you know it’s not true.
Politicians are living in a bubble of wealth, callous, detached and indifferent to those outside of their bubble.
For example, when someone says having medicare for all is too expensive or impossible but if you go to any other modern country in the world or talk to people from those countries they already have medicare for all. Whether you agree or not they are doing it and those countries haven’t collapsed. This is why you have to get out of your bubble.