I read one of your replies and tried to reply to it but I can’t find where to do that. Your comment doesn’t show up in the article (on the app), only in the notifications. You linked to this post from your comment so I’ll reply here.
This sounds like a few ideas I’ve mentioned where everyone gets a fair share of the commons (you can acquire more but everyone gets a fair share vs nothing). I don’t know what options mean and some of the other terms you use. A summary for the common layman maybe needed.
For your comments on my post, Thomas Paine observed and said the life of the the native american was like a continual holiday. There were millions of buffalo roaming the plains. There were flocks of birds that would darken the sky. There was so much abundance in the americas it was unfathomable treasure to the colonists who first observed it. The book Frontier Living talked about how some people would never work a day in there life (they ridiculed them in the book) but they admitted it.
The South Carolina lands were so rich with game the natives from different tribes from all over would regularly go in to hunt and gather and held it in common.
When the Europeans arrived, they completely decimated the game and wild life in 40 years so they could sell the skins. The European way of life over consumed the natural resources. They colonists killed millions of buffalo to kill the food supply of the natives. There was no poverty and no homelessness in all of the americas before the Europeans arrived. The Europeans brought poverty and homelessness with them. Henry George also confirms this in Progress and Poverty.
The lies were made and are made to keep a class of people enslaved, to say look how good you have it, look how things were horrible in the past and that there was only starvation and scarcity and nothing else works but what we have. What I’m talking about is in the Americas. In Europe 100% there was poverty and homelessness. It was there present at the same time as there was rich abundance in the americas without those issues.
They took natives to England and showed them the homes and cities. None of them said they would trade places. There was no rent no mortgage no loans in the americas. They probably didn’t even have a word for homelessness. “What do you mean homelessness? I can go built a home right here right now in in a few days.” Even for the settlers for a long while you had cabin rights. You could build a home and raise in a few days. And I think you’re right in that the source of all the social illnesses that the Europeans brought with them is the money system. But there is also the enclosure movement, feudalistic practices and many other beliefs (god kings) etc