There are problems that the rich and powerful have and there are problems the poor and working class have. I have felt both. The wealthy, the powerful and those in positions of power must understand that the struggle the pain that the poor and working class experience is the most important painful things of life and it takes social changes to fix. There is some people out there screaming “never upgrade, never improve” These are racists. They don’t know what it’s like to be black in the US or a woman in a middle eastern country. There are also victim blamers. These are the people who don’t think. If something bad happens they blame the victim rather than the perpetrator.
This post goes over a few basic things to address and upgrade the societies we have, the same societies that were originally created by genocidal, racist, thieving, pirating and sexist individuals.
The things we can do start at the local level and it begins with these principles,
The fairest thing we can do to make a fair society for all is to restore our natural rights. To give everyone a fair share of the Earth.
The second principle is that no one gets seconds until everyone gets firsts. Somewhat related to the Lockean proviso in that, “a person can only have more if there is enough left for everyone else.”
So what is that in practical terms:
- Give everyone a fair share of land
- Open the commons
- Ban rent
- Ban landlordism
- Limit on ownership of home and land
- Give a UMI and UBI
- Nationalize all basic necessities and utilities
- Teach moral and ethics rather than learn by tragic experience
- restructure governments to horizontal power structures not vertical
- exclude psychopaths from any sort of political position
- not have political positions where the politicians pay no price for their decisions
- give everyone a voice on political matters including children and animals (animals understand some things)
A fair share of land
There is something that says that people don’t deserve anything for free. That’s a enslaver mentality.
You were born on this Earth and you have a right to a fair share of it. You didn’t create the Earth. You didn’t produce the fruit or vegetables or any of it. The Earth does that on its own.
Ban rent
Rent is a form of theft. If you pay for something you should own that part that you paid for.
If you rent a home, your payments should go towards that part of ownership. Think timeshare.
Limit land ownership
Until recently the idea that a person could own the earth was ridiculous as a person saying they could own the air.
Land is as much of a basic necessity as is air.
The people that “own” land now don’t own it, they stole it from the natives. All over the world the land has been stolen from the natives.
One idea is to give it back and they should to be fair but another is to give everyone a fair share and to open the commons because the refugees and migrants from other countries were natives who had their lands stolen from them as well.
If you block people from the resources they need to survive than you owe them those resources otherwise it’s slavery or murder. If you create a money system where basic necessities are put behind a money wall it is the same thing. So you need to give them money to work with. That’s a UBI. “But they can work.” That’s still slavery. If someone else chooses what you have to do to survive then you are not free. “You have to work to get food and housing” is still slavery, because slavery is “do this work or die”
The powerful want economic security and to maintain what they have. They have shown historically again and again and again that they do not care about the poor. They also lack real human connection. The poor want to simply be solvent. But the pain that the wealthy and powerful have is nothing compared to the pain the poor and working class face on a daily basis. It’s not a competition but solving poverty and hunger and homelessness is the most important thing to address and prevent concentrations of wealth from creating psychopathic individuals.
This article is not complete obviously and I will edit it later to add more description to each sub topic.