In the history of the Americas there was a mass period of colonization that devastated not a city or a state or a country but half of the globe. Millions slaughtered, millions genocided, lands stolen, homes destroyed and lives decimated by European colonizers.
But the fuel was not simply land piratry. It was Manifest Destiny and the Doctrine of Discovery that were created by and blessed by the church.
The church groups that defined those doctrines at the time have now recanted.
“What we did was wrong. What we took was wrong. It was not ours to take. We are now returning it.”
It is an amazing pronunciation. An amazing change of heart. An amazing feat to admit to a mistake. Boomers can do it not can politicians.
And in this new era of informed people are emerging a new persona. The decolonizer. Instead of a mindset of greed, elitism, imperialism, and colonization there is now the decolonization, the returning, the restoring, the redeeming, the reconstructing and the refilling of the colonized places.
In this new view may humans return the land that was stolen from the animals who inhabited the land who need it to survive. May all land be natural habitat. May all land be a nature preserve. May all receive what nature provides abundantly to all.