If you are a millenial or younger I want you to know the contents of this post. If you are a boomer don’t read this.
First, before the introduction:

If you are unable to see the image above it is a comic with four panels. In the first panel it says, “Welcome to Animal Crossing!” with a woman jumping in the air displaying happiness. In the next panel she is saying, “I have a consistent income and a house of my own!”. In the third panel she is skipping with a friend on each arm and saying, “All my friends are here and we all look out for each other.” In the last panel she is cowering in the corner of a room, with a mobile device in her hands, there is a window with a flames directly outside and on a table are multiple bills that say, “Due”.
I have to say a few things and you won’t understand it unless you finish this article because your lack of awareness to it. That is the reason for this article.
The message in the comic is that the person is barely surviving, the world is on fire around them, they are panicking and in pain, they have no in real life supportive friends, and their income does not and will not cover the expenses or provide them enough to ever own a home. And it is implied that there is no one to help or to talk to.
This is me and this was me. Now you are going to have to be patience for the next few paragraphs because you have a blindspot and I’m telling you about it.
I don’t judge the boomers but I hate the boomers. I hate them with every fiber of my being. Not because of how they treated me as a person, but because of how they treat you as a person and the person in that comic and people like them.
I’ve seeing a lot lot more content by millennials and they are figuring something out about the boomers… That no matter what argument you use to support your case on why you are not thriving, why you are not surviving, why you mostly likely won’t have a home, none of it persuades a boomer to change their view. But not everyone is figuring it out.
The content I see from millennials et al are that if only we could persuade them (the boomers) then they would care about our pain, then they might care about the suffering and exploitation and help or stop fighting any changes. And this is your blindspot.
I hate them because of what they are doing to you.
You are in desperate pain, trying to survive and they gaslight you.
“I can’t survive on this small of an income.”
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard this from boomers when I have struggled financially:
“Get a job, get a better job, get an better education. Fuck you, I got mine.”
But you might say, “But don’t hate people. We aren’t supposed to hate people.”
The boomers, these people you are kind to, hate you (or hate you in a way). And if you argue that they don’t, they treat you like shit. And you take it.
If you go to someone and tell them your problems that you’ve tried everything you know and cost of living is impossible and they say something like, “Get a job or a better job” or one of their other empty platitudes they are saying, “You are too stupid to survive.” That’s all they offer; empty platitudes.
I met one college age woman who said that her mother gaslights her about cost of living and she is still kind to her mother. What?!?
You didn’t choose to be born. They forced you into this world. Then they take no responsibility for it. They were able to get a house, two cars, have a family of five and go on a two week vacation from a job at a gas station or grocery store.
They benefited from very very high wages. They were making the equivalent of $30–$50 an hour and then they pulled up the ladder. They started businesses, pay extremely low wages, raised rents and housing to extreme levels and then victim blame you for not being able to afford it.
When you tell boomers the problems they all do the same things: victim blame, gaslight, invalidate, and if you bring it up they judge you if you aren’t polite. They want you to be polite while you are homeless or two paychecks away from homelessness.
“But they don’t understand how poverty works and if they did they would be kind to us.”
No, they do. When they were growing up they had the Monopoly game. They had nearly nothing else as far as board games go. Monopoly teaches the causes of poverty in modern societies. That is land monopoly and no limit, no controlled rent prices, cause poverty.
Because our societies operate like the game of Monopoly and not like indigenous societies, a person today will face homelessness and poverty not because of anything they did but simply because they were born later. Those players face poverty and homelessness because they are born later, after all the land has been claimed up and prices are high.
They know the cause of poverty in their conscience or subconscience. They know that overtime things get more expensive. They don’t care. I’m telling you. I’ve talked to them. They say that they were treated cruelly so now it’s their turn to treat others the same way. They are cruel on purpose. They are selfish on purpose. I don’t know if callous cruel indifference is a form of hate but it feels that way.
So society, tells you not to judge people, but you can tell them you hate them.
“It’s just you dude.”
Is it? You didn’t see Bo Jack Horseman? The cruelty both of Bojacks parents treated him with. There are a few episodes on this. Bojack tries to understand why they were and are still so cruel to him.
This is a summary of the book, “A Generation of Sociopaths”:
In A Generation of Sociopaths, Gibney examines the disastrous policies of the most powerful generation in modern history, showing how the Boomers ruthlessly enriched themselves at the expense of future generations. Acting without empathy, prudence, or respect for facts — acting, in other words, as sociopaths…
They are taking out their pain on you. They wanted to be rock stars and it didn’t happen for them. They blame that on you or are taking it out on you are are simply being narcissistic psychopaths.
Or watch any clip of George Carlin talking about the boomers.
Yes, they probably didn’t have someone to help them when they needed it but they could also survive with on much much less cost. They didn’t have to apply to thousands of jobs online that automatically reject applications. They could walk up to a business that had a “Now hiring” sign posted, pull the sign off the wall and hand it to the owner and ask what time they would start. And they would get the job. Now you have to have college education, five years experience, go through two months of interviews and be more likable than other qualified candidates.
In the past, women, children and animals were treated as chattel in the US. It wouldn’t be uncommon for a man to arrive at a hospital and drop off a child they had beat to death. You would have children working in factory getting ground up in the machines. IIRC it was in the 1950s with the animal rights acts that children also fell under the same protections.
So they might have had hard times but they could still find work to survive. And it’s not a hard times competition.
They say, “Why do you need any help? I was beat as kid and I turned out ok.” No, no you did not.
I argued with a boomer for a few days about why it’s important to have a real minimum wage and healthcare and after all that they said, “Why should I help anyone else. No one helped me.” This guy was arguing and fighting against children getting medical care (something every single other modern country in the world has and can afford) because didn’t get it.
So you’re against abject poor children getting fed at school because you had a rough life when you were growing up? So you’re ok with preventable, intentional starvation because you have hurt feelings?
“Why single out boomers?”
It’s not just boomers. It’s victim blamers, gaslighters, the callous indifferent and the ignorant. It’s that group of people that don’t know or don’t care that we can have an amazing societies that fight against upgrading the broken parts of society.
“But what we have is the only thing that works!”
No it’s not. You’re just repeating nonsense you heard growing up. Boomers know this is not true. They are arguing because if you’re right then they have to do something. They have to get off the couch. And they call you lazy.
“Hitler is given the title of worse person in history. He nearly conquered the world. Boomers can’t even get off the couch.” (a joke a friend made)

“Well can’t they have their own views?”
When I looked at who keeps arguing and preventing changes it was always boomers popping their head into conversations saying stupid things like, “I don’t want the homeless or poor benefits because I’m paying for it with my tax dollars” but it was really, “I don’t want others to get something that I didn’t get” or “I don’t want others to get something without being exploited like I was”. It is exploitation, because you didn’t have to work for someone else in the past to get something like a home.
This is their ignorance reasserting itself. Taxes don’t pay for anything (maybe locally). All taxes are deleted. The budget for all of the programs are created by political will every year. Trillions of dollars. Created out of thin air based on a list of items in politicians have written down called congressional appropriations. They think they pay for things. That’s the tax payer money myth. They were born sixty years ago and they argue with people who have spent eight years in college, who have the internet to challenge and discuss all modern views.
At the same time you don’t need money to make changes. You need to decide to do something. That’s it. And sometimes natural resources.
For 100,000s of years humans have survived without the thing called money.
For example, if you wanted to build apartment complexes for low income people and asked a contractor how much it would cost, they might have a quote of $2,000,000. Do you actually need that money? No. What you actually need is the natural resources. You need trees or clay and land to build it on. There are over 30 different types of housing. Made from ALL sorts of different material. You can do the whole thing for free.
Listen to me. Get this through your head. There was no homelessness or poverty in all of the Americas for 100ks of years until the Europeans arrived and brought with them the enclosure movement that brought exclusive, no limit, land possession, land theft, land siezure and land ownership.
There were millions of inhabitants in America, on Turtle Island, living happy lives. Europeans that visited (Thomas Paine) observed their way of life and said the life of a native american was like a continual holiday. There was no word for homelessness. They didn’t have it because they didn’t have robber barons or feualistic practices like landlordism. You could put up a home wherever there was space.
“But you only talked to a few boomers. You don’t know how boomers really feel”
I have talked to a lot of boomers. I lived in Florida. Yes, I need therapy. But don’t take my word for. They have admitted it. They admitted to me that they were, racists. They have admitted they benefit from the current exploitation. They have admitted they, “They went through it so so do you”. They say these things in conversation. AND they will admit it too you too if you ask. They don’t see anything wrong with their views or cruelty. Like I said, they don’t care if you call them assholes lol. They don’t care if you call them names.
And obligatory disclaimer, I have to say it’s not all boomers. And it’s not only boomers that do this. But it’s a massive amount of them.
These people tell someone who is born on this Earth, with creative gifts and talents, who didn’t choose to be here, to fuck off when they need help the most. And who actively prevent things from improving for others. Who tell offspring of earth that their talents and gifts are useless.
Anyway, I don’t know what you want to do with this information but from someone seeing you being polite with people who hate you and are preventing your very survival you have my permission to rebel.
I don’t know how curses work or that they exist but I know they are bad. I know they don’t end when someone wants them to. But I am sick of how they treat you and maintaining oppression for their own benefit. I have never done this before but I am publicly cursing them (oppressors) on your behalf. ⚡️
There are some people who are reading this will judge me for this. There could literally be someone stabbing them (against their will) and they will be mad at the person who intervenes. That’s the manipulation they subjected you to. They make you feel bad for defending yourself and trying to survive and exist. The people that experience this are sometimes Adult Children of an Alcoholic or sometimes Stockholm Syndrome but I don’t know if I’d say it’s that. It’s more likely it’s because it’s a relative who you know.
If you are upset at me for calling them out and not upset the oppression maintainer is because you haven’t felt the full effects of their callous indifference. Maybe spend a few days with the homeless in the rain, in the cold, in the heat, without food or if you aren’t homeless or starving now, keep defending and serving the oppression maintainers.
Read my other posts for more details about the topics covered in this post. There are posts about addressing people that gaslight and do emotional invalidation.